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Request of data deletion

As YourHabit user you have a right to request a deletion of your personal data from the system.

Please email me at alex@skobe.co with a subject "Request of data deletion" and I will delete all your personal data from the system.

In the email please specified the email that you have used to sign up to the system. This email should be the same as the email that you are sending the request from.

In case you lost access to the email that you have used to sign up to the system, please email anyway, so we can find a way to verify your identity.

All the data will be deleted within 30 days from the request. The following data will be deleted:

  • Your profile data: name, bio, zip code(if specified), profile picture.
  • All your habits, and progress information.
  • All your challenges information.

This action is irreversible. Once the data is deleted, it can not be restored.